


is bare and ugly; the large, light interior contains Tho rvald sen ’s w o rld -re n ow n e d statues of Christ and his twelve Apostles. Separated from the church by a narrow square lie the U niver­ sity of C openhagen and the M etropolitan School, the principal public school of the country. Except d u rin g the hours when the students and the schoolboys crowd the thoroughfare, there is an academ ic quietness abou t this neighbourhood. The palace of Christiansborg having been ruined by fire, Amalienborg, originally the palaces of four noblemen, is now the residence of ou r Royal family. A m ore handsom e and m ore aristocratic square than the Am alienborg-P lads hardly exists in Europe. In the m iddle is the adm irable bronze eque­ strian statue of K ing F rederick V, by the French sculptor Sally. In the immediate n e ighbou rhood the Frederick’s Church raises its gilt cupola above what always has been and still is the

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