

tary Dutch costume, sit selling fruit, vegetables, and flowers, whilst H o lm en ’s C hurch in the b a ckg round and the fine Ex­ change with its fantastic dragon-spire, eloquently w itness to their royal builder's artistic taste and gift of attracting the right men to his service. In the immediate vicinity of H ø jb roplads are two private buildings, one in Ø stergade, b elong ing to the "Efterslægt" Society, and the other, "H afnia"s bu ild ing on the Amagertorv, both of which date from the same period, as do also the "R ound T ow er" (Rundetaarn), which immediately adjoins T rinity Church, and seriously interferes with the traffic in the narrow and busy street, and "R egensen" (a hom e for students) just opposite it. Am agertorv and H ø jb rop lad s are in a m anner the heart of the stirring life of the city. Leaving Am agertorv by Ø stergade you come to Kongens Nytorv, once the centre of Copenhagen, a large, open square with fashionable hotels, business p re ­ mises, shops, restaurants, and cafés, w ith the Royal Theatre and C h arlo ttenbo rg castle, the head -quarters of the fine arts in Denmark. Beyond C harlo ttenbo rg the picturesque Nyhavn canal, w ith its old houses and num erous old-fashioned vessels, looks like a relic of bygone days am ong these m odern su r­ roundings. Starting from Am agertorv in the opposite d irec­ tion and p ro ceed ing westw ards along the Vi mm el skaftet, you come to G amm el T o rv and Nytorv, with the old Town Hall and solid, oldfashioned m erchan t’s houses; a fountain in the m iddle sends forth its refreshing jets of water and it is an old established custom that it should send up gilt balls on the birthdays of the K ing and Queen. C lose by this square is F rue Plads. Several of the finest churches of Copenhagen have been destroyed by fire; even the Church of ou r Lady is almost en ­ tirely a m odern structure, dating from the revival of the clas­ sical style at the b eg inn ing of this century. It has a square tow er surm oun ted by a plain gilt cross; the entrance is in the style of an antique tem ple façade; and the body of the bu ild ing

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