

sailed in her from C openhagen to Eng land , which was her first voyage. M aking ou r way am ong steamers of every size, plying in all directions, we now pass th rough the "Bom løb", the narrow en trance to the H arbou r of C openhagen , w ith the custom ­ house on the righ t and the anchorage of the fleet on the left. In the little box on the cu stom -h o u se pier stands a H a rbou r officer, who hails each one of the inw ard and o u t­ w ard b o u n d ships. Listen to his brief questions and the answ ers he receives, and you will get an idea of the close, daily comm unication between England and Denmark. You will feel as if you were stand ing in a street with crow ds of people passing to and fro, every second person calling to you: "I come from England!" or “1 am g o in g to England!". The large fleet of the U nited Steam -Ship C om pany of Copenhagen daily conveys Danish farm ing produce — butter, po rk , eggs etc.; — to the English market. The large, heavily laden E ng ­ lish steamers b rin g English coals to Denmark. U pw ard s of 35.000 sailing vessels and steamers pass the w a tch -m an on ^ the custom -house pier in the course of a year. Leaving the custom -house behind, we observe to the left an unrigged m an-of-w ar of the old fashioned type. It is the gu ard -sh ip of the fleet-anchorage, the frigate "Sjæ lland", which in 1864 took part in the battle of Heligoland. In a line with the "Sjælland" lie several o ther veterans of the Danish Royal Navy, which are now used as naval barrack-ships. Behind them we see the Royal Dock Yard. To the righ t there are extensive quays w ith old warehouses and granaries, etc. Beyond the place where the g reat steamers of the "Thingvalla Line", trad ing between C openhagen and New York, are m oo red , we see "Am alienborg", the residence of Royalty; in the backg round the m ighty dom e of the Frederick Church, its gilt lines shin ing brightly in the sun, tow ers above the su rround ing town. At " K n ippelsb ro ", which connects the city of C openhagen w ith the old subu rb "Christianshavn" and the island of Amager,

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