

ratively m ild winters and cool summers, or, in other words, an insular climate. For the sake of com parison we shall state some facts reg a r­ d in g the respective tem peratures of G reenw ich and C o p en ­ hagen. The degrees are Fahrenheit. The three summ er m onths p roper, June, July, and A ugust, have in Copenhagen a mean tem peratu re of 59 7 2 °—627 2 °, which is abou t the same as that of the south-eastern part of England, whereas May, Sep tem ­ ber, and O ctober are som ew hat colder in Copenhagen than in G reenw ich. The proxim ity of the A tlantic materially in­ fluences the tem perature of G reenw ich d u rin g the winter, which is, on an average, 7 0 higher than that of Copenhagen. In com p aring the tem perature of the two places it is interesting to note that the highest mean tem peratu re on record of the w arm est m onths of the w inter in C openhagen (Novem ber to April) is the same as the average tem perature of G reenw ich for the same months. The absolutely highest tem peratu res recorded in C openhagen d u rin g May to S eptem ber is respectively 8 4 7 2°—9 0 7 2° as against 8 7 7 2°—97 at G reenw ich. G reenw ich has, on an ave­ rage, 15 days with a maximum tem perature of 80° or more every year, while Copenhagen has only 7 such days. The rig o u r of the C openhagen winter, com pared with that of G reenw ich , is dem onstrated by the low read ings observed; the num b er of days when the therm om eter falls below the freezing -po in t, and of days when the m aximum tem perature is below the freezing-point (the so-called ice-days) being con­ siderably g reater in Copenhagen than in G reenw ich. The rainfall and other climatic conditions connected th ere­ with, are very sim ilar to those of the neighbou rhood of Lon­ don, although they are a great deal more favourable to every kind of ou t-o f-doo r life. The average annual rainfall of C op en ­ hagen is 22 inches, distributed over 167 days (that of G re en ­ w ich is abou t 25 inches); bu t on m ore than one half of these 167 days the rainfall is very slight; and especially d u ring the 22

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