

KOLDING . A trip of a couple of hours from E sbjerg takes us righ t across Jutland to Kolding. The town is rem arkable for the imposing, rom antic ruins of its old royal castle, destroyed by a disastrous fire in 1808. O utside the town scenes of idyllic beauty p re ­ sent themselves. The narrow fjord w inds like a broad river between w ooded banks, with here and there a prom inen t point, from which an unsurpassably beautiful view may be enjoyed. Walk o r drive inland, and the scenery is just as fine. It would be difficult to find a m ore truly Danish idyllic picture than, for instance, “M arielund", w ith its leafy trees e n ­ circling still water, its steeps, and ravines, and charm ing paths. It is not su rp rising that Kolding attracts a steadily increa­ sing n um b e r of tourists, and that one hotel after ano ther is b eing built on the fjord, to accomm odate those who come to enjoy good sea-bathing in these charm ing surroundings. Gustav Hetsch.

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