

Here am ong the downs no houses are to be seen, no th ing b u t sand and w rack-grass. But see — what is that? Beyond those hillocks rises the ridge of a roof; we catch a glim pse of a tow er; a little farther, and a large bu ild ing which looks

like a castle appears — then another, and yet another. Real palaces, and row s of villas! This is F a n ø n o r d s ø b a d (the North Sea w a te rin g -p la ce of Fanø). It is a large, fashionable bathing-place, foun ­ ded some few years ago by en te rp ri­ sing Danes on a spot off the western coast of Jutland unrivalled for easy comm unication with the rest of the world, excellent bath ing facilities, and peculiar beauty of su rrounding. A few years ago desolate and quiet, it is now stirring with gay life. Large and luxurious hotels have been erec­ ted, w ith the stately Kurhaus as their centre; and row s of villas of all sizes stretch along the coast, sm art and co­ quettish. Many of these latter belong to noble or wealthy Danish and fo r­ eign families, w ho come to spend p a rt of every year in this beautiful health resort.


O ne cannot im agine a better beach for bath ing than that of Fanø. It slopes gradually and sm oothly dow n to the sea, is clean, firm, and w ithout holes, therefore quite safe. Bathing- m achines are used. O n a day in the height of the Fanø season, one m ight easily believe one's self to be in one of the large w atering-places of continental Europe o r America. There are the g reat hotels, w ith their flags flying, the ladies in light and elegant costumes on the terraces and beach, the children - 12 -

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