

N 30 hours large com fortable steamers take the traveller from Parkstone to Esbjerg on the w es­ tern coast of Jutland. Another sailof 20 m inutes in a small steamboat — and he is on shore at N o rdby on Fano! This is a quaint fishing-town,

with narrow streets w ind ing am ong the low red houses and small, fenced gardens. Its women w ear a peculiar costume: a full, dark-coloured skirt with a broad green border, a tight- fitting bodice, and a m any-coloured kerchief round the head. Most of the men being at sea, on long voyages, the women are often to be seen w orking in the fields, and then they g e ­ nerally wear black masks to protect their faces from the keen sea wind. How fresh the air is here! And it is still fresher when we cross the island and get to the open North Sea. The road leads over one of those tracts of downs which are so charac­ teristic of this coast — great stretches of sand-hills covered w ith w rack -g rass. It is delightful to w ander here on a hot summ er day, with the sky arch ing above the white downs, the scorching sun softened by the sea-breeze. And the lover of nature in her quiet g rand eu r will find pleasure, and rest for his nerves, lying on the sand listening to the distant roar of the surf. 11

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