

whence steamers run to Gjedser, in comm unication with ex­ press trains to Copenhagen. Wamemiinde is on the main route betw een Berlin Copenhagen. W hen , at no distant day, the steam -ferry connection between W arnem urrde and G jedser is opened, this route will gain in importance. In travelling from Berlin to C openhagen one can also avail one's self of the route via Stettin, whence good steamers run direct to C o ­ penhagen. Excellent routes to C openhagen can be m ade out from all the g reat cities and centres of commerce. To m ention all of them w ou ld take too long. I am therefore obliged to refer in tend ing travellers to our map. Everyone who feels inclined to see D enm ark and its capital may learn from it how easy it is to get to Copenhagen. C. Fabricius. Chief for the state railways circular ticket office.

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