

But of still g reater interest to the tou rist is the m agnificent Roskilde Cathedral, finished tow ards the end of the eleventh century, w hose two m ighty tow ers rise above the houses of the town like giants am ong st a crow d of dwarfs. It has seve­ ral times suffered by fire, bu t has always been restored, and now its massive stone walls are practically fire-proof. In its num erou s chapels rest all the Kings and Q ueen s of D enm ark from the tenth down to the present century. The decoration of the Cathedral is very fine, especially in the chapel of Christian IV., the k ing who built the Exchange and the Round T ow er of Copenhagen. The altar of this chapel is a m aster­ piece of sculpture, and the organ has a finer tone than any o ther in Scandinavia. Every year, when the Danish Royal family are entertaining their num erou s guests, a visit is paid to Roskilde. This seems to be an old established custom , for on a stone pillar in the chapel of Christian I. the visitor will find marks indicating the height of Peter the Great, as well as that of A lexander III., of the Em pero r N icholas, and of m any m em bers of the p re ­ sent Danish Royal family. Carl Muusmann.

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