

Taarbæk, in the days of my childhood. It was then a place of som e distinction — the quiet villa-town, w here large g a r­ dens spread them selves out over terraces, and country houses lay side by side w ith fisherm en’s cottages. It was so far from C openhagen as to be quite a journey, and one solitary and bad baker supplied us w ith his tough bread. But how remote is my ch ild h o o d ’s Taarbæk now! The Taarbæk of to-day is a town that extends as far as to Copenhagen ; and busy trad es­ m en ’s carts d ischarge their g o od s in front of every door, and send the dust flying above the roofs of hund red s and hund red s of closely packed villas. In the m idst of the tow n of villas, still defying all com peti­ tion, lies Klampenborg, the oldest w atering place hotel in the country. O u r g randfathers founded this H yd ropathic Esta­ blishm ent on a m odest scale. Now things are very different. D ecorated w ith palms, su rround ed by conservatories and veran ­ dahs, the large hotel stands on its grassy slope, w ith the Sound spread ou t before it. It is the Sound that lends everything here its beauty — O re su n d ’s beautiful road to beautiful Copenhagen. Let us spend an evening on the balconies of K lam penborg Hotel! It is late in August, and the sky is dark and thickly strewn w ith stars. The air is filled w ith the heavy scent of

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