

N O T E S .

1) T ] ie f;rst Division of the.english forces under tlie Command of Admiral Gam bier, Rear-admiral J . S ia n hope, Commodore Sir S am u el H oo d , consisted of the following ships of tlie line: Prince of Wales, 98 guns, Pompee, Centaur, Alfred, Ganges, Captain, Golialh, Orion, Hercules, Vanguard, Spencer, Bruns­ wick ancf Maida of 74 guns, Nassau, Didtator and Ru­ by of 64 guns'; eight frigates, thirteen sloops of war and One bombvessel. The second Division, under Admiral R u ssel, consisted of the following ships of the lin e : Menotaiir, Majestic, Mars, Defence, Resolution and Vaillant of 74 guns, and the Cayenne of 22 guns, Hussar, of 38 guns and five hrigs. — The landforces consisted of the german Legion, having about ten re­ giments of a thousand men, a corps of rifle-men, a bri­ gade of guards of 2400 men, eight Companies of artil­ lery, about fifteen regiments of the line, giving a total of 27,000 men, 2) These troops, who are called Landvsern (the guard of the country) were raised in the year 180r, and consist of all those natives from the country, who liáve already served out their time as soldiers, but in case of an invasion, are to protedt their homes together w ith the regular troops.

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