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Art. t . W hen this Capitulation is undersigned and ratified, his Bcitannic Majesty’s troops shall take possession of the Citadel. Art. 2. A guard o f his Britannic Majesty’s troops shall also take possession o f the Holm or Dock-yard. Art. j . The ships and vessels o f every de­ scription and, all the naval stores shall be surrendered to the persons, who w ill be nominated b y the commander in chief of his Britannic Majesty’s troops, and they ; shall immediately take possession, o f the. holms, as well as o f the buildings and store-houses belonging thereto. Art. 4. The store-ships and transports being in his Britannic Majesty’s service shall be per­ m itted , if it should be necessary, to come into the harbour, in order to take in all the, troops and stores, which they have brought into this island.

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