

On the same day a garden-house on the Glacis was burnt by the Danes. The Danish Commander in chief sent Lieutenant Cederfeldt to the English General, in order to ask for a Pafs-port. for his High- nefs Prince Ferdinand ., wh ich was imme­ diately granted, and brought by an English Officer, who was ordered besides to sum­ mon the Capital to surrender, declaring, that the English had a greater force than the Danes might imagine, but taht they would fain spare a Capital, which is the ch ief Seat o f the sciences and commerce, and the first C ity in the Kingdom. — - It was answered; “ that the Capital would be defended with the most determined resistance, and that every Dane is ready to sacrifice his life for his country.44 The English Officer returned to the Head-quarters, attended b y several Da­ nish Aide-de-Camp. A ll the gates of the v town were now shut, except the gate of the Citadel. The 27 o f Aug. the Commandant is­ sued the following paper: W e have had

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