
** ■ Fellow-Citizens | After having made ail the arrangements* ¿which the present circumstances require, I hasten to the army, to operate with it as. soon as possible for the welfare o f my dear i ' ' «©untrymen, ' unlefs circumstances, should -speedily arise, which may render it possible to settle every thing according to m y wish. In a peaceful and honourable manner, Copenhagen, Aug. 13, ¡Frcdeiickr Prince Royal, T he spirit o f the inhabitants o f the ¡Capital was noble and high. A ll were ready to sacrifice their lives and fortunes for the cause o f their king and country* But, alas f ©ur efforts were in vain 1 Our whole force of tegular Troops in the Capital Was not above ©500, men, the rest consisted o f Citizens, ©mbodied in volunteer^ Corps, armed pea-« ©antry and people from the country; but ©ur naval defence exceeded in a very great degree this force. It consisted of the block- §hip Mars, the frigate 8t, Thomas, three

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