56 atre, however, has been of the greatest importance to Danish nationality, and many interesting episodes of the stage- liistory of this country have taken place here. Throughout the collection testimonies hereof will be found. In these rooms Johan Ludvig Heiberg, one of the most important poets of Denmark, made in 1826 the acquaintance of his future wife, Johanne Louise Heiberg, the greatest actress of Denmark, and this meeting became of great importance to the litterature and stage of Scandinavia. Also King Fre derik VIL (1808—1863) met with his spouse, the Countess of Danner, at the dancing school of the Theatre, wliere she was a pupil. Later on she held a position as a quasi queen by the king’s side in the royal box in the centre of the dress circle. Another stage candidate acquired a world- renowned name, i. e. the fairy-tale poet, Hans Andersen who in his youth tried in vain on the Court Theatre to be- come an actor. The conflagration of the Vienna Ring Theatre in 1881 caused the closure of the Court Theatre. Since then it has been used for only three performances in 1914. Wlien, in 1922, the Danish stage celebrated its 200 years’ jubilee, the Theatrical Museum was inaugurated. It now comprises about 20.000 pictures and objects, not only from the stages of the Capital but also from those of the provincial towns. It is the first and greatest theatrical museum of Scandi navia. The tendency of the Collection is of markedly na tional character, and its historical rooms form a frame in good harmony with its contents. It is a museum in a museum.
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