/ This school is situated No. 52 Ostcrgade, and was founded on the fourth of March 1786. One hundred and fifty scholars arc educated in this seminary; Baron Boltcn, Mr. Broch, and Mr. Ainsel Meyer, bequeathed various sums to this institution, and Ilia Excellency Count Moltke, Minister of State, gave also about 5,000 Pounds Sterling, from whose bounty twenty children, the sons of Gentlemen employed under (- . v V the Government are instructed free of expense. Six scholars are educated gratis by the liberality of the mem bers of the Society, and two by the beneficent bequest of Mr. Brock. The others are subject to the annual pay ment of about 5 Pounds Sterling; they are instructed in Danish , German, English, French, Geography, History and Mathematicks.
The Orphan School
was founded by King Frederick the' fourth and is situated No. 6 Storo KjGbmagcrgadc, for the education of 100 orphans of both sexes. In the last Century 1,748 orphans have been educated by this Charity.
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