TIIE MILITARY. The peace establishment of this Nation amount, to about 30,800 individuals, the force stationed in the Capi tal consist of the Generali Staff; the Royal Horse and foot guards; the Engineer and Artillery corps, one Squadron of Hussars, six regiments of Infantry; namely: the 1st and 2dn Life regiments; His Majestys regiment; His Itoyal Highness Prince Christian’s regiment; the first and second Jutland regiments; the Zealand and Jutland Jicgers, and His Majesty’s Life Jffiger corps; independant of this force the citizens of Denmark arc compelled to perform military duty for the defence of the capital. is situated near the Palace ofChristiansborg, the arrange ment of which is most excellent. > > It was built in 1604 during the reign of King Chri stian the fourth & in this armory are arms for 82,000 ■4- * . men. Among different curiosities to be observed, is a beau tiful cannon with the genealogy of the Itoyal House’ of Oldenburg until the death of King Christian the fourth, ' » and their arc two fine gilt cannons of extraordinary length presented by tbc Republic of Venice to this Danish Ma jesty Frederick the fourth. The lloijul Arsenal
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