.3) Formerly there were eleven residences for the Professors , but in consequence of the destructive fire in 1795 and other misfortunes that this Capi tal has suffered, only four now remain ; two of which arc situated in Kannikcstrxdc, one in Studiistrxdc, and the fourth in St. Pcdcrstrajdc. The following foundations and stipends arc for tho assistance of students. ' 1) Communitet and Regents. The first charity consists in a weekly stipend , and the second in free lodging at the college of Regents; this is a large cdilicc situated in Kjob- inagcrgadc, at the corner of Kannikestraede and Krystalgade, and was founded by His Majesty Christian the fourth. It was partly destroyed by fire in 1728 but af terwards rebuilt, and so enlarged that at the present moment 100 Students enjoy free re sidence ; several of whom have also small sti pends. ' 2) The foundation of the college of Walkcndorff the eldest in the records of Denmark was founded in 1595 by Christopher WalkcndorfT steward of the Empire ; it is situated in St. Petersstraide for the free residence of 16 Students.
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