ding rooms are supplied with a large collection of books in every language. The newest works received by the Directors of the Athcncum, remain in the public rooms for six months, and are afterwards circulated amongst the members of the Society, but subject to be returned in 14 days.
The University.
. - y' The first Royal Diploma was granted to this Uni-* versity on the 4th October 1417, when His Majesty Christian the first visited Rome and received permission by a bull from the Pope Sextus the fourth dated X III cal. July 1475 to establish an University in this City. Its solemn inauguration was celebrated on the 1st June 1479 in the Church of the Virgin Mary, when a Latin oration was delivered by Peter Albert. King John, the oldest son of His Majesty Christian the first confirmed all the privileges and liberties granted to this foundation. This university has 36 Professors, divided into four faculties ; some of them arc ordinary, others extra ordinary. The first arc the highest in rank, and being mcm- tbers of the academical senate (called in Denmark consis- torium) naturally enjoy different emoluments.
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