in Myntcrgaden where 14 old and infirm females have free lodging, and a weekly stipend of about one shilling English.

Naval Charity.

This noble Charity is indebted to the late Commodore Soiling; Knight of the order of Dannebroge; it is situated at the corner of Dyhcnsgaden and Squaldcrgaden, and although only founded in 1827 it affords relief at the present mo­ ment to SO seamen , who by age, wounds, or infirmities have a claim on this institution. Conferenccraad Bruun’s bounty has added much to the comfort of those who reside in this establishment, which is entirely supported by voluntary contributions, and under the immediate inspection of 10 Directors.


The Royal Library.

King Frederick the third founded the Royal library of Denmark in lfifiS ; it is supposed to be one of the first Royal libraries in Europe, containing about 300,000 Vo­ lumes, and is situated on the Southside of the Royal I’ alacc of Christiansborg. This extensive library consists

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