„ The King knows that just laws Secure liberty to Citizens, cause love to their country, courage lor its defence, an inclination for knowledge, a wish for in dustry, and a hope for Prosperity. / ' ' On the AVcst-sidc is inscribed: „Kongcn bod: Stavnsbaandct steal ophiire, Landbolovcn gives Orden og Kraft, at den fr i Bonde kan vorde kjeh og oplyst, flittig og god, hcederlig Borgcr , hjkkelig.,> ,,Tlic King commands that feudal bondage shall he abolished; the law for peasants shall have its full power, so that peasants being possessed of their full li berty may he courageous, enlightened, fortunate, indus trious, and respectable citizens.” On the North-side: „Grundslencn blcv lagt o f Frederik, Kongens Sun, Fol- kets Fen, 1792’’. , ,,Thc foundation-stone was laid by Frederick, the Son of the King, and the friend of the people, in 1792.” On the South-side: „For Christian den Srjvcndc , de Danskes og Norskes Kongo , a f cnigc og taknemmcligc Borgcre ,,To llis Majesty Christian the Seventh, King of Denmark and Norway , from united and grateful ci tizens.” The Pedestal, on which this Obelisk is erected, is of Norwegian marble.
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