columns ol the western entrance arc of the Joule or der of architecture formed of Italian marble which rest oil pedestals of the same kind. The eastern entrance in some measure resembles the western, and both have the following Latin inscriptions: . C.4. Quod regno, roique publicce acpopulo Dano felix ac fortunatum, relit qui ob jugem filii JesuChriilti intercessio- ncm res tribuit fausias. quique mercimoniis, omnique bonce vei augendaa prcccst, ter opiimus, ter maximus, Veus Pater, Filius, Sp Spiritus Sanclus, Byrsam, quant vidcs, Danicum, Christianas 1It us Danorum, Norigorutn, Slavorum, Goiho- rumque Rex potentissimus, pater patriae optimusy boni pub lics curator felicissimus, laudabili regum magnontui cxcmplo Jy scrio studio augendi regna sua viris, censu, ' ’ , « » • _ i emporiis , non furtivis Mcrcurii ct Lavcrnce arlibus, sed, quod princcps fy primum cst, divincc gloriw, fy quod proxi- mum, emptorum vendilorumquc fructuosis usibus sacratam, dicalumquc voluit. Juno a Christo nato MDCXX1F. The roof of the building which is 176 feet high is of lead, and its venerable spire is well deserving the attention of I travellers; it is formed by the representation of four dra gons resting on their stomachs, with their heads extending to tiie four corners of the globe. Their tails are twisted together so as to form the spu-e, which is terminated by'three crowns, over which is erected a Vane.
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