present Canute the great, Waldcmar the first, Waldemar the fourth, Margaretha, Christian the third, Frederick the second, Christian the fourth, and Frederick the third. , In the same manner arc. represented the Itoyal arms l ’ S (if Denmark, and her provinces, with the emblems of law , justice,'commerce, navigation, agriculture, arts, and sciences. Adjoining the room appropriated for the privy Coun c il, is llis Majesty’s sitting-room, the decorations and conveniences or which are united with taste and sim plicity. This apartment is adorned by four paintings by the deceased Professor Lorcnzcn. 1) Is a view in Zealand. 2) The prospect of Christianstad in the Island of St. Croix. 3) The Fortress or Tranquebar in the East-Indies. 4) The Environs of Geyser in Iceland. His Majesty’s bed-room is decorated with taste; it is adorned with paintings descriptive of arts, sciences, trade, commerce, navigation, and agriculture. The ceiling is embellished by a painting after Thor- W'aldscn, representing a most beautiful description of Day and Night. Her Majesty’s apartments adjoining the Kings are not less magnificently decorated.
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