!«*• ' cient Royal Palace is now occupied Ly military and civil Officers holding high situations under the present Govern­ ment. The Royal Palace of Christiansborg. In the year 1107 Archbishop Ahsolon caused a castle to he erected on the spot where this palace now stands, and which after him jw(ls called Axelhuus. King Chri­ stian the third and Frederick the fourth at considerable expense embellished it, but on the accession of King Chris­ tian the sixth to the throne of Denmark is was razed to the ground, in order to erect on its site a Royal rcBidcnco on a grander scale. On the twentylirst of April 1733 King Christian the sixth laid the foundation stone to this building, and when it was rebuilt, it was computed that one thousand individuals resided in this palace; but this magnificent edifice which seemed to defy 'eternity became a prey to the flames on the night of the twenty seventh of February 1794 for the walls which were 10 feet thick were the only remains of this superb building. I The erection of the present palace was commenced by Ilis Majesty king Christian the seventh and finished un­ der the reign of the present sovereign of Denmark, Frede­ rick the sixth, after the design of Confcrcnceraad Hansen, Knight of the order of Danncbroge, and first Architect to the Danish Nation. '

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