The Royal Palace near Chritiansborg. This Palace more generally called the Prince’s Palace in consequence of its having heon the residence of two Royal Princes, is situated at the corner of Ny Wester- gadc, formerly called Yigantsgade. On the site of the present Palace originally was a large building erected by GysLcrtli Wygant Michclbccker, a rich and esteemed merchant and who was also Royal Steward to Ilis Majesty King Christian the fifth. When King Frederick the fourth resolved to improve the Royal residence of Christiansborg it became needful to select a residence for the Royal fam ily; this house and other buildings' were therefore purchased, and formed into the present Palace as a temporary residence for the Prince Royal of Denmark, who was afterwards King Chris tian the sixth. Afterwards it was the Royal residence of His Majesty Frederick the fifth during the time lie was Prince Royal; but on the accession of this Sovereign to the throne of Denmark, the Palace of Christiansborg became his Royal residence, and the above mentioned Pa lace was then inhabited by the Princess DoAvagcr Sophia Wilhclmino of Ostfriesland, .a sister of the Queen, and it continued to be her winter-residence until her decease, which happened at the Palace of Sorgcnfri on the seventh of June 1764. His Highness Prince Charles of Hcsse-Casscl and Ilis Royal Consort resided here for many years; but this an-
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