the same spot, but u pyramid sluill lie placed there, pro- damiug to the world his eternal disgrace. This was exe cuted. Ills palace was levelled to the ground; his gar den destroyed, and on the elegant mansion that he occu- t pied is a low pyramid with the following inscription, cut In stone: The Traitor Coriilz IV. F. to eternal scorn, dishonour and infamy. The residence and square where this Nohleman resi ded is now occupied by butchers and brokers. Saint Ann Place is situated at the East end of Garnisons-churcli; in Ca tholic times a chapel was erected there and consecrated to \ , Saint Ann. Amalienborg. On this spot arc erected four handsome palaces built with perfect uniformity; in the centre of the square is the superb statue of King Frederick the fifth cast in cop per; the erection of these buildings commenced in the year 1150. One was erected at the expense of Count Adam Molt- ke, Privy, counsellor to His Majesty; the second by Coun tess Schack; the third by Lieutenant-General Count Le- PALACES and PUBLIC-BUILDINGS.
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