the same spot, but u pyramid sluill lie placed there, pro- damiug to the world his eternal disgrace. This was exe­ cuted. Ills palace was levelled to the ground; his gar­ den destroyed, and on the elegant mansion that he occu- t pied is a low pyramid with the following inscription, cut In stone: The Traitor Coriilz IV. F. to eternal scorn, dishonour and infamy. The residence and square where this Nohleman resi­ ded is now occupied by butchers and brokers. Saint Ann Place is situated at the East end of Garnisons-churcli; in Ca­ tholic times a chapel was erected there and consecrated to \ , Saint Ann. Amalienborg. On this spot arc erected four handsome palaces built with perfect uniformity; in the centre of the square is the superb statue of King Frederick the fifth cast in cop­ per; the erection of these buildings commenced in the year 1150. One was erected at the expense of Count Adam Molt- ke, Privy, counsellor to His Majesty; the second by Coun­ tess Schack; the third by Lieutenant-General Count Le- PALACES and PUBLIC-BUILDINGS.


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