The Royal arms of Denmark hy Lambert von Hagen. A large picture representing Ceres, Bacchus, Venus, anti Cupid. Mars, Venus, anil Cupid by Bendix Grothchilling. The Virgin Mary with christ, by Jordan. The circumcision of Christ, by Peter Andersen. The crucifixion of Christ, by the same artist. The fortress of Ifoningsbcrg in SaXony. A view of Saint Mark at Venice. The interior prospective of the churches of Saint Paul, and Saint Peter. Six Roman perspectives. The destruction of Troy. The offerings of the Wise Men of the East. The offerings of David. The Palace of Frcdcricksborg, with different landsĀ capes, birds &c. PROMENADES. Although not numerous arc beautiful; the most favourite arc the Ramparts; Rosenborg garden; the Esplanade between Toldbodcn, and the East gate; the ramparts of the citadel; (tlcn langc Linic) the long line, and the Kirsebaergange, which is a "beautiful walk tinder the walls of the City: but for the three last mentioned
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