The Throne-apartment.
In this room arc tlic Royal thrones of Denmark. The throne of Ilia Majesty is Magnificently deco rated with pillars turned from the horn of the unicorn.
Eight figures beautifully embossed represent different virtues; and on the canopy is the model of the ame thyst, with two large oval emeralds, which decorate the Royal throne. Ilis Majesty Frederick the third caused this mag nificent throne to be made; but it/was never used until 'the coronation o» King Christian the fifth in the year 1070. The throne of Her Majesty is decorated with mas sive silver; on the canopy arc I avo figures of embossed silver, representing Piety and Charity. Two Royal hassocks used at the sacrament richly decorated. The Royal Mantle, lined with ermine, •and richly embroidered. The font used at the baptism of the Royal Princes and Princesses of Denmark; it rests on a magnificent pedestal of embossed silver, decorated with different gold ornaments; it weighs four hundred and eighty ounces, and was made in Copenhagen in the year 1720 by the command of His Majesty King Frederick the fourth; it is placed on a superb silver gilt basin; the lower
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