A largo golden goblet with a lid supported by three lio n s, each of them holding an escutcheon; on the front of which is the initials of King Frederick the fourth with a crown of diamonds. This magnificent vessel which weighs sixty eight ounces was a present from Count Holstein of Ilolstcin- burg. • * A golden Ink stand; is weighs G2 ounces, and be­ longed to Frederick the fourth. A similar one of the same weight formerly belong­ ing to Princess Sophia Hedewig. Two wreaths in silver frames, set with jewels; they are painted by the Princess Sophia Hedewig, sister to King Frederick the fourth; in the middle of the one garland, is an oval glass, instead of the King’s likeness, which was intended to be placed there. A golden goblet with medallions; it weighs 2V/t ounces, and was made on the death of King Charles the twelfth of Sw eden, who fell in besciging the fortress of Frcdcrikshahl. On this goblet is a German inscription which in English is: uThc Swedish lion fell at the foot or the Norwe­ gian lion ; lie lost his life, and the last drop of his \ # ' , • heroic blood; this was his fate. « ' Frcderickshahl 11th Deebr. 1718.” A golden goblet with medallions weighing 19 oun­ ces, ;t was made in commemoration of the nuptials of

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