of the public during the Spring every Wednesday from twelve until tw'o O’clock. / \ ' n • THE ROYAL PALACE OF ROSENBORG. This Palace with its garden was constructed during the reign of Ilia Majesty King Christian the fourth, in the year 1604, and was destined as a summer residence for the Royal fam ily; nt tills period it was situated out of the capital, hut, in the four following years the City so rapidly increased in population, that it was needful to extend its boundaries, when tins palace with its garden was enclosed within the ramparts. This garden is a favourito promenade of the inha bitants of the City, and among the statues that deco rate it, there is one which merits particular attention; it is a beautiful marble representation of Hercules breaking the lion’s jaw ; in which the muscles of Her cules , and the exquisite form of the animal are des cribed with much skill. This statue was executed by Johan Baratta of Florence in 1709. It is supposed that Inigo Jones an Englishman was the architect who built this palace *); it is adorned with three towers after the Gothic style of Architecture; the roof is covered with copper, and the three towers with slate and lead. *) very uncertain.
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