church not far from Tranqucbar on the coast of Coro mandel. The Model of Mont Blanc is finely executed.
MUSEUM OF NORTHERN ANTIQUITIES. I + • 'I. ! This collection is deposited in an apartment adjoin ing the library of the University over the round tower, and wras instituted in the year 1807. It is impossible to enumerate all the curious reliefs of antiquity which are here exhibited. The collection of weapons in stone arc very remar kable, being from the earliest period of the Heathenish times, and were no doubt then used as a means of defence, and also as tools, when metal was not known; and the small collection of ancient armour, and drinking horns, in this Museum arc beautiful. An ancient stone of a large size, in the form of a star, is worthy of observation; it was found in the harbour, and there can be but little doubt that formerly, it was used as an anchor for shipping. Previous to the introduction of the Christian faith, the bodies of the dead were often burnt, and their ashes deposited in goldj copper, glass, and eartlicrn vessels, which arc to be seen here from the earliest period, until ten centuries after the birth of Christ; there are also
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