May, ami the arrangement of this Royal establishment is under the direction of four Gentlemen holding high situations,, under the government. On one side of the Theatre is the followiug inscrip tion: ’’Landsmand, og hvo fin c r , naar fiu i vorcs Skuc- spil, som i ct Spoil, beiragter Verdens Vandcl, den onde, og den godc, beleer McnncsJcels SJcrbbeltghed , fiaarlighed, « I og Udyd, da leer derved at Icjcndc Pin egen, at rette den, forandre og forbedre Dig fra del Uanslccndigc til det An- stamdige, fra del Onde til det Code, fra Udyd til Dyd. Tak den slormcrgligste, allcrnaadigste og viseste Encvolds- herre og Kongo, Frederick den Femte, som skjmnkede Plad- sen, lod Unset bygge til sine Undersaatters Nytte, og liver 1 ' ■ ■ '• . Mands Forlystclsc, lagde dcrtil mange naadige Friheder.
Opbyggct 1718 a f Frederick den femte, Udvidet 1774 a f Christian den syvende, Ilcggc Danmarks og Norges Konger og UelgjSrcrc.
Countrymen, or whoever you may he, you will find reflected in our Theatre as in a looking glass, your journey through life 5 here is represented good and evil; you will ridicule the’ weakness, folly, and vice of human nature, and will learn to know your own faults and to correct them; to alter and to improve your selves from that which is improper, to that which is correct; from that which is had, to that which is good;
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