Russian Baths.
/ V. Many individuals have experienced great relief from the use of these baths, particularly those who have been afflicted with rheumatick and nervous disorders. They arc situated No. 155 Anialiegadc, and arc daily open from 9 O’clock in the morning until 9 O’clock in the evening, and are fitted up with every comfort. / ' % ~ ' - * ' ' . ' '• / '- COMMERCE. I No harbour in Europe is so calculated for an active and extensive commerce as the port of Copenhagen ; it is capable of containing 500 Ships, and sufficient depth of water for vessels to discharge their cargoes at the Quays. The principal commerce of this Nation is to the East and West Indies, England, Iceland, and the Baltic, and the arrival of vessels from North America are not inconsiderable. The buildings and Dock belonging to the East In dia Company arc situated at Christianshavn; the first\ patent to this Company was granted by King Christian the 4th in lfilG; under this charter the East India Company of Denmark had the privilege of trading to 'f
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