In the year 1831 a s u b u r b a n th e a tr e was erccted on Vesterbro from the plan of S. Petoletli. Il is a grand and spacious theatre conlaining tAvo stalls, a pit and two tiers of boxes, and capable of holding about 1400 spcctalors. Formerly it Avas principally used for pantomimes, rope-dances, and as a circus for equestrian pcrformances. Now it is only used for dramatic pcrformances under the management of Mr. Hansen. It is the property of the archilect Mr. Petersen, and is most re­ sorted to by common people. — Doors open at haJf-past 6. The Tivoli-Gården, siluatc in the immediate vicinity of the railway-station, is a place of amusement in which the eilizens AVery mueh delight in summer-season. The laying-out of this garden Ave oavc to the taste and talent of lale Mr. G e o r g Car s ten s en . By its fine site and extensive grounds , its laslful and ingeneous buddings and IloAver-bcds, and finally by its cheap prize of admillion, the Tivoli- Gården of Copenhagcn is, avc dåre say, unri- valled by any Capital of Europe. — In 1863 the old concert-hall Avas razed lo the ground and a neAv one built on ils sile. In this hall concerts are given eyery evening by an exellent

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