fessor Harsdorff. The pit formerly capahle of holding no more than 250 persons would now contain seals for 700. Some years afler the gallery was huill, and part of Ihe pit was now inadc usc of as stall. Many arc the alter ations which this building underwent, too numcrous lo hc mentioned liere, but it is a faet that the building itself has ahvays heen, oven up lo this day, a shapeless brick-struc- lurc, totally devoid ol' decorations, and both as to ils exterior as lo ils inlcrior quite un- worlhy of so fine a city as Copenhagen. The accomodalion is ealculaled for an audicncc of 1370. The thealhre, wliich rceeives a large con- tribulion from the state, is under Ihe manage ment of Etatsraad Li nde, the chicf, and Ju- slitsraad Berner, the inlcndanl. The theatrical season is from the lst of Scplcmher lo the lst of June, performanc.es taking placc every night excepl on some Wcd- nesdays. From the cnjoyment which the Danes of all classes lake in every species of scenic diversion, the thcalre is particularly a popular amusement. — ' It is nol the plan of this book to mention the activity of the Thcalre Royal; we shall only remark that the pcrformances principally consist of the comedies of l l ol be r g,
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