the a s s o c i a l i o n of 1 8 6 2 for tlic p r o mo t i on of li omo in dus l ry. As a most important support for commerce and communication tho El e c t r i c Tel egrap li must bc mentioned. It has four stations, viz; the P o s t - o f f i c e St at i on, open day and night, Ih e Ex c h a n g e S ta ti o n , open every week day from 9—4, the Itailway St at i on, open from OV'i a. m. to 9 p. m., the Cu s l omh o u s e Stat i on (Toldbodveien No. 5), open in summer from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m., and in winter from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. The charge for messages of 20 words within Dcnmark is 2 $.. If the message exeeds 20 words the exlra charge for each 10 words is half the above rate. To forcign counlrics the charge for twcnty words is: the Duchies , Lybeck 70 ft] Norway 1 Rd. 27 ft] Sweden 88 ft (towns in Skaane 53 fi ) ; Eng land, Scotlland and Ireland 3 Rd. 45 ft (Lon don 3 Rd. 10 ft)] Prussia1 Rd. 9 ft (cilies at Rallhic, Isle of Rygen 76 ft)] Austria, Low Counlrics 1 Rd. 62 ft ; Belgium, Switzcrland, Moldau and Walachia 2 Rd. 1 ft ; Italy and States of the Church 2 Rd. 71 ft] Russia by the way of Prussia 3 Rd. 27 ft ; Russia by the way of Sweden 3 Rd. 10 ft] Greece and Turkey 3 Rd. 10 ft. On Iløibroplace No. 7 Mr. Ritzau has
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