to prepare sislers for nursing of the siek. It lies in Smallcgade No. 50 (Frederiksberg) and can accoinodate 20 patient and 10—11 sisters.
An account has been given of every hospi tal rcquiring a particular description. Thcre remain, ho\veverr sorae few sanitary institu tions lo which the travellers attraction may be drawn Ainong these we will mention: The Ry ss en s t e e n, a balhing establish ment at Langebro, open all the year round, willi its wann, cold, shower and douche-baths; Lynct t ' ebade t at the Kongedyb. In Chri stianshavn a balhing place, connected with a laundry, has been established, and a like may be found at the corner of Borgergade, Ka- ninlængen and llindegade, erccted by Mr. Ilani- broe. At the Municipal Hospital tliere are moreover baths open to the public every week day from 3—7. Russian baths may be had at the ltyssenslcen and Frederiks Hospital. The Br ondans t al t a t Ro s e n b o r g h a v e lias a large assorlment of mineral walers and is very inuch frequented by patients in summer, lt includes a spacious hall open from June to the 15lh of August every morning from 5—9. Besides there are 7—8 faclories for artificial mineral waters in the town.
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