to aboul 1000. Resides this there is the So- Qvæsthus in Christianshavn; but this building is only used during war or in cases of severe epidemics. Fødselsstiftelsen; The Lyiug- in Hospital; connccted with a charity-house, is situaled in Amaliegade, and was founded in 1785 by the Queen, Juliane Mary. The object of this hos pital in threefoid: to rcceive married and un- married women wilhout any condilion being annexed to the reception of llicin (all arc received with or wilhout payment): to inslruct women in the practise of Midwifery, and flnally to lake care of the children’s being provided for when their mothers are unable lo maintain llicm. To avoid epidemic the hospital has accoinodalion for no more than 20 patients at a time; all others must apply lo the mid- wiyes in town. The annual averago of births is eslimated lo araount lo about 1000. The Hospital for Chihlrcii; the foundalion of which we owe lo the zeal of the most plii- lantrophic Professor Dreyer, was built in the year 1849 in Rigensgade No. 32, the neces- sary funds being collccted by private subscrip- tions. Hospitalet for Sindssvage, The Lunatic Hospital , for Copenhagen and its immediate vicinity is situated at Bidstrupgaard near Roes
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