Among thc latcr Institutions for charitablc purposes wc must not omit lo mention thc As yl ums for Children. These Asylums have for their ohjccls to relievc parents while occu- picd at their work from thc charge of their children. Tliere arc ten of these established in Copenhagen and its imediate vicinity, namely in Sølvgade No. 11, the Asylum of thc female henefit-society, in Golhersgade No. 107, Asyl gade No. 11, Nellikegade No. 2, Nyboder, Lars- leistræde No. 11, store Kongensgade No. 90, Amagergade No. 2 , Blegdamsveien No. 26 , Ab- salonsgade No. 11 and Falkoneerallecn. The female bcnefit-society and thc asylum-socicty exert themselves very mueh in behalf of these Institutions, which arc connected wiln three schools one at Vestervold, one in Larslcistræde, and one in Longangsstræde. Hospitals. The Capital of Denmark includes many well arranged hospitals and charitablc institutions, the exislcnce of which is mostly owing to thc great, beneflcience of the kindhearted inhabi- tanls of Copenhagen. The principal hospitals arc : Frederik^ Hospital, situate in Amaliegade and Bredgade, was built by Frederik VI in
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