Gri i ner’s Comme r c i a l Ac ademy tufllls its daly lowards llie mercanlile classes, and the Practical scliools «Efterslægten)) (Postcrily), and Melchiors are the largesl. Miss Zahle’s academy for young ladies deservcs especially to bc menlioned. For the children of the poor, good schools are provided in the difTercnt parishes of the metropolis where they are taught gratis or else for a very moderate paymenl. These are 44 in number, somc of them supporlcd by munici- pality, others maintaining themselves by their own funds. Th e S un d a y S c h o o l ’s, etablished by the lteverend Mr. Massmann in 1800, have been the means of mucli good by alTording education lo many young arlisans. The anniversary of the foundation of these schools is celebrated by a solemn service in one of the churches of the metropolis; on which occasion it is customary for His Majesly the King to bc present. Of Institutions that may bc regarded as relating to the national system of education, wc will mention: The Royal I n s t i t u t i on for t he Bl ind, founded in 1811 by the still excisting associa tion named «Kjæden» o r , the Chain, whose
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