Ihe weekly stipends l>cing a more modem itnprovemenl on support, that of old used to hc grantcd in Ihe shapc of daily meals. The huilding devoted to this noble end, is a large old gloomy-looking house in Store Kjøbmager- gade, direetly opposite the round lower, built by Christian IV in 1623. Il Avas partly burnt doAvn in (hc great fire of 1728, butwas rebuilt and improved so that it noAv affords ‘ free lodging to 100 students and a rcsidcnce for Ihe dean. Small stipends are attached to some of these free places. The huilding con- lains a very respcctablc library and a reading- room. WalkemlorlPs Kollege in St. Peterstræde affords free loding to sixteen students. It was founded in the ycar 1595 by the controllcr- of-the Household, Wal kendorf f . llorck's College was founded in the year 1689 by the celebrale O le Bo r c h in his oavii house in Kannikestræde. It has been burnt doAvn scvcral limes, and rebuilt last in 1824; it affords free lodging to 16 students. Ehler’s College, also in Kannikestræde oppo- sile the Regents-college, Avas founded 1691 by the counccllor of stale Jørgen Eli ler s. In this college 24 students have free lodgings whereof sexteen enjoy stipendiums.
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