serveral laboratories. The inslitulion whosc design it is to propagate practical and thcore- lical knowledge of mathemalics, cliemistry and pliysic, is open lo all classcs and lias annexed to it an inslitulion for workers in metal. Det astronomiske Observatorium, The Astro- nomical Observatory, has now, after having for hvo hundred years hcen estahlished on Ihe top of the round lower, at last gol a budding of its own, on Rosenborg bastion on the ramparts. The main body of tiie structure has a cupola- formcd lower in wliich the observatory itself is; on eaeli side are apartments for llie rcsi- dence of the professor of Aslronomy and for the observor, and in a wing lowards the soulh is a library. Among the astronomical instru ments is a Rcfraclor, that is one of the largest in Europe. Den kgl. Veterinær- og Lanilhoboiskolcj The Royal Veterinary College and High School of llusbamlry, on Bylowsroad of gi. Kongevei was opencd the 24th of August 1858, when the veterinary school in Christianshavn was closed. The design of this school is lo educale veleri- nary surgeons, farmers and landinspectors, and to disseminate practical and theorctical know ledge regarding every branch of husbandry. The budding, from a design of professor Bin- desboll has a very altractivc exlerior, bul
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