mon-Dicl — Folkelhing — in the lefl wing, towards t.he riding-ground, is espicially very spacious. On llie upper lloor is llie Royal Gallery of pictures, about wliicli more anon. Pari of llie palace is approprialed lo Officcs for Ihe Privale Secrclary, llie Adjudanl-General, llie Privy-Treasurer, Ihe Masler of llie Horse, llie Iligh-Steward and so forth. The High Court-of-Appeal has also ils Sit- lings liere, every week-day from 9.lo 12 o’clock. The palace is open lo visitors every day, applicalion bcing lirsi made to llie keeper of llie palace, Mr. Zellner, Tøihusgaden Nr. 17. Rosenborg was buill by Chrislian IV from llie design of Inigo Jones in llie year 1604 and was intended for a pleasure-palace for llie Royal family when residing in Copenhagen. Wlien erecled it stood in llie counlry; but wi- tliin few ycars llie town had extended its pre- cincts so far lo the norlli east, that llie Rosen borg found ilself within llie city-walls. It is built in parlly Golliic style, like llie Palace of Frederiksborg, said likewise to bc planned and designed by Inigo Jones, lias a great tower to wards llie West, where Ihe garden lies; Uvo smaller lowers towards llie Easl, where the courtyard is, and a fourth, in which is the en- trance. liere llie Regalia of Renmark is kepl, bcsides many curious and valuable objecls of 2 *
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