2Glh and 27Ui of February 1784, was enough lo lay il in ashos. — Partly by voluntary con- tribulion and partly by funds sol apart for that purposo by government, means were furnished lo rcbuilt Ibe palaco and il was again crected in 1828 after Ihc plan of tbe great national architect Hansen. As it now stands, Ihc palaco compriscs many differcnt buildings connoctod with eacli otbor. On a lino with the facade extend hvo buildings ono northward, connocling Ibo palaco with tbc Cbapel ltoyal, Ihc olhcr soulh- ward connocling il with the ministerial offices. The inner palace-court is onclosod within a squarc formod by tbc hvo wings at righlang- lcs wilh the main body of the palaco and a really noble eolonnade which connccts tbc ex- tremo ends of llicse wings, and from the roof of this the lato lamcnlcd king has more than oncc adrossod thousand of his sulijccts assom- blcd in the outer yard. This outer palacc-yard is very spacious and has in the middlo a fine fountain, most useful in laying the dust in summer. This is the royal riding-ground and is onclosod in an am- phitheatre of regular buildings of uniform height, whichcontain ihc c o u r t - t h e a t r e , the r i d i n g - house, tho c o a c h h o u s e s , the royal s lab le s and tho royal bake h o u s e ; along Ihc inner front 2
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