Architcct Mr. Hansen. As it now stands il can by far not bc compared with thc old struc- ture cilber in grandure or in beauly; but it is of imposing dimensions that iinpress tlic mind Willi solemnity and contains works of art of as greater beauly as any that are posscsed by any sacred budding in Europe. These wc owe to Th o r v ad s e n , many of whose immortal masterpieces wc find liere. An idea of thc treasures contained wilhin is imparted by the group in terra-cotta in the pediment of the frontispiece, representing John the b a p t i s t pre achi ng in thc w i l d e r n e s s , and by the equally beautiful basrelief in marblc of Cli r i s t’s en t r anc e in to Je r us al em. On either side of the Portico is a colossal figure in bronze, on llie one band Mo s e s on thc other Davi d, the works of Bi s s e n and Jeri chau. Imme- dialely on entering thc church we are struek at the sight of the inarble - figure of the S a - vi our that from above the altar stretehes out his wounded hånds to weleome us. On either side of the body of the church stand the twelve Apo s t l e s , noble marblc-figurcs, each a poem ilself, while in the middle of thc choir kneeling in front of the allar, an Angel offers the water of baptism in a font of polished inarble, shapcd like a muscle-shel. The two great basrelief in the background
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