During Ihe rest of the year Ihere aré trains to Klampenhorg on week-days: 10 a. in. and 1 2 ,1 5 " , 3 ,3 0" ; 5, 30", 9 and 10, 30" p. m. During Ihe summer Ihere goes a train every half liour on Sundays and holidays; Ihe last train at 10, 45" p. m.
Tariff of Fares on the different Railroads in Sealand.
1. Cl.
2. Cl.
3. Cl.
Northsealand. Between
Cop e n h ilg e n - Hellerup..................
Ud. li
Rd. li II 20 „ 20 i, 24 ,i 24 .. 28 „ 44
Rd. /i 12 n 12 i' 16 o 16 n 20 i> 32 ii
Charlottelund . . . . . . ii 28 Klampenhorg . . . . 32 Gjentofte.................. 32 Lyngby..................... 36 Holte......................... 56 Birkerod.................. 72 L ille rø d .................. Frederiksborg . . . . Fredensborg . . . . . Qvistgaaril................ Elsinorc . . . . . . . ! ' Lyngby- Gjentofte.................. . . n Gharlottelund . . . . . . « 32 92 32 16
u 56 // 44
„ 72
n 12
„ 72
„ 12 „ 8
n 24 „ 28
Klampenhorg . . . .
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