pathic Establishment of thal name. This was established in 1845 under the direction of Dr. Hjaltelin. King Christian VIII granled the com- pany, that set it on foot, the grounds they now enjoy the usc of, and thesc being buill on, prelly collages, concert rooms, bathing liouses, boarding liouses wilh oul-houses of all discrip- lions being erecled, a balhing-placc soon sprung up that for the beauty and healthful- ness of ils site might indeed seek its eqnal in Europe in vain. Dut the original aim of the establishment, the cure of suflering patients soon became subordinale to the amusement of pleasure-seeking visitors; and it is now to bc regarded only as a fashionable balhingplace for the wealthy. A few years ago the com- pany added the grounds of the so-called «ohl Klampenborgi) Lo their own, and an elegant building for patients and visitors has been erecled by Professor Nobel o ng. This building togelher wilh the rest of the establishment is now let by the company to Mr. Gi nder up, and there is thus some prospecl, afforded of the estahlisment being a liltle more profitable lo the sharehotders than hitherto. As we have remarked the railway station, the terminus of the Copenhagen-Klampenborgline, is close by al the entranee of the park and is remark-
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