45 Shine brightly, our victorious banner,

Worn out by wars since ages out of mind, Forward, our standard, never stay behind, A rag with Finland's dear old colours still we find!

44. Olaf Trygvason. Words by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. — Music by F. A. Reissiger. Splendid barks over North Sea go, High on deck stands this morning, lo! Erling Skjalgson from Sole, Scouting over sea t ’wards Denmark: »Why does not come Olaf Trygvason?« Six and fifty those war-ships lay, Down went the sails, t ’wards Denmark ’way Stared each man, and they cried out: »Where tarries now Long Serpent, Why does not come Olaf Trygvason?« But as still in the second morn Not a mast from the sea was born, Rose like a storm, a storm this outcry: »Where tarries now Long Serpent, Why does not come Olaf Trygvason?« Silent, silent the moment same, All stood there, from the sea-depth came Rippling like sighs all-round the fleet: »Taken is Long Serpent, Fallen is Olaf Trygvason!« Ever since after hundred years Sound these words in Norwegian ears, Sailing in moon-light nights:

»Taken is Long Serpent, Fallen is Olaf Trygvason!«

45. A Singer’s Frayer. Words by J. S. Welhaven. — Music by F. A. Reissiger.

Lord of spirits! Thou shalt reign O’er the treasures I received, O might I Thy grace obtain, When my song is me bereaved; For still more my heart is beating Meditating the great meeting, Where full knowledge I shall gain.

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