43 This same country Harold warded As a champion strong, This same country Hakon guarded, Whereas Eyvind sang; On this soil Saint Olaf suffered Martyr’s såcred death, From these mountains Sverre uttered Threats ’gainst Roma’s head. Yes, in truth, we love this country, As from sea it rose, Furrowed weather-beaten sentry ’Gainst the thousand foes; And as bygone wars succeded, Triumph gave and ease, Also now, if it were needed, We would fight for peace.

42. Suomi’s (Finland’s) Song. Words by E. v. Quanten. — Music by F. Pacius.

Hear the stately song resound From the Wåino’s halls all-round: This is Suomis’ song. Hear the lofty pines that rustle, Hear the rapid streams that bustie: This is Suomi’s songl

Ev’rywhere a voice inviting, Ev’rywhere an air inciting: This is Suomi’s song.

Brother dear, your heart that beats, Now with pains.and now with feats: Hear but Suomi's songl

43. The March o f the Bjdmeborgers. Words by J. L. Runeberg. — Music by F. Pacius. Sons of those whose biood was shed On Narva’s heath, on Poland’s sand, on Leipzig’s plains and Liitzen’s hillocks, Finland’s forces are not dead, Still may with biood of foes a field be coloured redl Gone, gone stillness, rest and while, The tempest rages, fire lightens, thund'ring guns are wildly roaring. Forward, forward file'-by file! To valiant men their fathers’ spirits gently smile. Noble is the goal, That bids us forwards speeding, Sharp is our sword, And we are used to bleeding; »Forward, boldly to the linel« This is our ancient freedom’s most beloved ensign.

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