4 1 39. Sleep in Peace. Music by F. Mdhring.

Soon nigh is day’s last gloaming, The gentie moon strikes up A song 'twixt bright stars roaming Entrancing clouds’ dark troop. Her placid sweet tones sounding Through Space are gently founding In me both strength and hope: Sleep in peace! Now day has departed with its noise. Sleep in peace! Our Lord may graciously give us peace!

40. Patriotio Song. Words by Holger Drachmann. — Music by Carl Nielsen.


O Danish man! with all your might, Proclaim now your Mother’s praise! The sea and fjords a garland tight Wreathe all-round her house and space.

To green and shallow beaches The strong wave often reaches, And over golden com-field stands viking-stone stout and right. Sing out — and grief from bygone night turns smile on each joyous day; Our sky its colours change well might Our flag’s hue will always stay. As Denmark’s women bright Have cheeks in red and white, So health and vigour sparkle from freedom’s most precious right.

Our dear old land! with all our might We add to your wealth’s amounts, Advancing steady with foresight And not by leaps or bounds.

As coulter furrows fields The keel the ocean wields, Proud stands the Danish sailor at sea as a viking-knight.

41. Norwegian National Anthem. Words by Bjørnst. Bjørnson. — Music by Rich. Nordraak.

Yes, in truth, we love this country, As from sea it rose, Furrowéd weather-beaten sentry ’Gainst the thousand foes. Yes we love it, love it thinking Of our parents’ toil And the Saga-night that’s sinking Dreams upon our soil.

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